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Why Have Kids?: A New Mom Explores the Truth About Parenting and Happiness

Why Have Kids?: A New Mom Explores the Truth About Parenting and Happiness

Jessica Valenti

“Too many women are made to believe that every tiny decision they make – from pacifiers to flash cards – will have a lasting impact on their child. It’s a recipe to madness. It also reveals an overblown sense of self-importance. (…) We believe that in the same way we’re making our children the center of our lives (and, wow, i can’t wait to see the entitled kids that come out of that parenting philosophy!), we are the center of our children’s lives. That they need their mother above all else, despite evidence to the contrary. Vast amounts of research show that children do best when they are raised by a community of people – parents, grandparents, friends and neighbors. It’s in our DNA – we are social beings, and we should be raised as such. Yes, mothers are important but not because we are women or because we are biologically related (or not) to our children. We’re important because we’re one of the people that love and care for a growing human. But if we want to take some joy in that experience, we need to let go of the notion that we are the only ones who can do it correctly, and that if we are doing it right, it should mean some sort of suffering or tremendous self-sacrifice.” Yap, a mim também me doeu.

Se ter filhes é difícil, se é impossível fazer tudo, se os apoios são curtos e insuficientes, porque é que continuamos a ter filhes? Jessica Valenti tenta responder a todas estas perguntas de uma perspectiva americana e verdadeira mas que, na verdade, se aplica na maioria ao nosso rico país.

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